Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Posted by Unknown
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1. A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place or thing.
Note: The word thing is used to mean anything that we can think of.
2. Look at the following sentence:
Asoka was a wise king.
The noun Asoka refers to a particular king, but the noun king might be applied to any
other king as well as to Asoka. We call Asoka a Proper Noun, and king a Common Noun.
Sita is a Proper Noun, while girl is a Common Noun.
Hart is a Proper Noun, while boy is a Common Noun.
Kolkata is a Proper Noun, while city is a Common Noun.
India is a Proper Noun, while country is a Common Noun.
The word girl is a Common Noun, because it is a name common to all girls, while Sita is
a Proper Noun because it is the name of a particular girl.
Def. - A Common Noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same
class or kind.
[Common here means shared by all.]
Def. - A Proper Noun is the name of some particular person or place,
[Proper means one's own. Hence a Proper Name is a person's own name.]
Note 1 - Proper Nouns are always written with a capital letter at the beginning.
Note 2 - Proper Nouns are sometimes used as Common Nouns; as,
1. He was the Lukman (= the wisest man) of his age.
2. Kalidas is often called the Shakespeare (= the greatest dramatist) of India.
Common Nouns include what are called Collective Nouns and Abstract Nouns
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3. A Collective Noun is the name of a number (or collection) of persons or things taken
together and spoken of as one whole; as,
Crowd, mob, team, flock, herd, army, fleet, jury, family, nation, parliament, committee.
A fleet = a collection of ships or vessels.
An army = a collection of soldiers.
A crowd = a collection of people.
The police dispersed the crowd.
The French army was defeated at Waterloo.
The jury found the prisoner guilty.
A herd of cattle is passing.
4. An Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality, action, or state considered apart
from the object to which it belongs; as.
Quality - Goodness, kindness, whiteness, darkness, hardness, brightness, honesty,
wisdom, bravery.
Action - Laughter, theft, movement, judgment, hatred.
State - Childhood, boyhood, youth, slavery, sleep, sickness, death, poverty.
The names of the Arts and Science (e.g., grammar, music, chemistry, etc.) are also
Abstract Nouns.
[We can speak of a brave soldier, a strong man, a beautiful flower. But we can also think
of these qualities apart from any particular person or thing, and speak of bravery,
strength, beauty by themselves. So also we can speak of what persons do or feel apart
from the persons themselves, and give it a name. The word abstract means drawn off.]
5. Abstract Nouns are formed:
(1) From Adjectives; as,
Kindness from kind; honesty from honest.
[Most abstract nouns are formed thus.]
(2) From Verbs: as,
Obedience from obey; growth from grow.
(3) From Common Nouns; as,
Childhood from child; slavery from slave.
6. Another classification of nouns is whether they are “countable” or “uncountable”.
Countable nouns (or countables) are the names of objects, people, etc. that we can count,
e.g., book, pen, apple, boy, sister, doctor, horse.
Uncountable nouns (or uncountables) are the names of things which we cannot count,
e.g., milk, oil, sugar, gold, honesty. They mainly denote substances and abstract things.
Countable nouns have plural forms while uncountable nouns do not. For example, we say
“books” but we cannot say “milks”.
Exercise in Grammar 3
Point out the Nouns in the following sentences, and say whether they are Common,
Proper, Collective or Abstract:
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1. The crowd was very big.
2. Always speak the truth.
3. We all love honesty.
4. Our class consists of twenty pupils.
5. The elephant has great strength.
6. Solomon was famous for his wisdom.
7. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
8. We saw a fleet of ships in the harbour.
9. The class is studying grammar.
10. The Godavary overflows its banks every year.
11. A committee of five was appointed.
12. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India.
13. The soldiers were rewarded for their bravery.
14.Without health there is no happiness.
15. He gave me a bunch of grapes.
16. I recognized your voice at once.
17. Our team is better than theirs.
18. Never tell a lie.
19. Wisdom is better than strength.
20. He sets a high value on his time.
21. I believe in his innocence.
22. This room is thirty feet in length.
23. I often think of the happy days of childhood.
24. The streets of some of our cities are noted for their crookedness.
25. What is your verdict, gentlemen of the jury?
Exercise in Composition 4
Write the Collective Nouns used to describe a number of
(1) Cattle;
(2) Soldiers;
(3) Sailors.
Write the qualities that belong to boys who are
(1) Lazy;
(2) Cruel;
(3) Brave;
(4) Foolish.
Exercise in Composition 5
Form Abstract Nouns from the following Adjectives:
Form Abstract Nouns from the following Verbs:
Form Abstract Nouns from the following Common Nouns:
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7. You know that living beings are of either the male or the female sex. Now compare
the words in the following pairs:
Boy (Lion, Hero, Cock-sparrow)
Girl (Lioness, Heroine, Hen-sparrow)
What do you notice?
The first word of each pair is the name of a male animal.
The second word of each pair is the name of a female animal.
A noun that denotes a male animal is said to be of the Masculine Gender. [Gender comes
from Latin genus, kind or sort.]
A noun that denotes a female animal is said to be of the Feminine Gender.
8. A noun that denotes either a male or a female is said to be of the Common Gender; as
Parent, child, friend, pupil, servant, thief, relation, enemy, cousin, person, orphan,
student, baby, monarch, neighbour, infant.
9. A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female (i.e., thing without life) is
said to be of the Neuter Gender; as,
Book, pen, room, tree.
[Neater means neither, that is, neither male nor female]
It will be thus seen that in Modern English the Gender of a noun is entirely a matter of
sex or the absence of sex. It has nothing to do with the form of a noun, which determines
its gender in many other languages, e.g., in Urdu where bagiche is masculine and lakri is
10. Objects without life are often personified, that is, spoken of as if they were living
beings. We then regard them as males or females.
The Masculine Gender is often applied to objects remarkable for strength and violence;
The Sun, Summer, Winter, Time, Death,
The sun sheds his beams on rich and poor alike.
The Feminine Gender is sometimes applied to objects remarkable for beauty, gentleness,
and gracefulness; as,
The Moon, the Earth, Spring, Autumn, Nature, Liberty, Justice, Mercy, Peace, Hope,
The moon has hidden her face behind a cloud.
Spring has spread her mantle of green over the earth.
Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war.
This use is most common in poetry but certain nouns are personified in nrose too. A shin
is often spoken of as she; as,
The ship lost her boats in the storm.
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Ways of Forming the Feminine of Nouns
29. There are three ways of forming the Feminine of Nouns:
(1) By using an entirely different word; as
Masculine -- Feminine
Bachelor -- maid, spinster
Boy -- girl
Brother -- sister
Buck -- doe
Bull (or ox) -- cow
Bullock -- heifer
Cock -- hen
Colt -- filly
Dog -- bitch
Drake -- duck
Drone -- bee
Earl -- countess
Father -- mother
Gander -- goose
Gentleman -- lady
Hart -- roe
Horse -- mare
Husband -- wife
King -- queen
Lord -- lady
Man -- woman
Monk (or friar) -- nun
Nephew -- niece
Papa -- mamma
Ram -- ewe
Sir -- madam
Son -- daughter
Stag -- hind
Uncle -- aunt
Wizard -- witch
(2) By adding a syllable (-ess, -ine, -trix, -a, etc) as,
Masculine -- Feminine
Author -- authoress
Baron -- baroness
Count -- countess
Giant -- giantess
Heir -- heiress
Host -- hostess
Jew -- Jewess
Lion -- lioness
Manager -- manageress
Mayor -- mayoress
Patron -- patroness
Peer -- peeress
Poet -- poetess
Priest -- priestess
Prophet -- prophetess
Shepherd -- shepherdess
Steward -- stewardess
Viscount -- viscountess
[Note that in the following -ess is added after dropping the vowel of the masculine
Masculine -- Feminine
Actor -- actress
Benefactor -- benefactress
Conductor -- conductress
Enchanter -- enchantress
Founder -- foundress
Hunter -- huntress
Instructor -- instructress
Negro -- negress
Abbot -- abbess
Duke -- duchess
Emperor -- empress
Preceptor -- preceptress
Prince -- princess
Songster -- songstress
Tempter -- temptress
Seamster -- seamstress
Tiger -- tigress
Traitor -- traitress
Waiter -- waitress
Master -- mistress
Murderer -- murderess
Sorcerer -- sorceress
Note:- The suffix -ess is the commonest suffix used to form feminine nouns, from the
masculine, and is the only one which we now use in forming a new feminine noun.
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Masculine -- Feminine
Hero -- heroine
Testator -- testatrix
Czar -- czarina
Sultan -- sultana
Signor -- signora
Fox -- vixen
(3) By placing a word before or after; as,
Masculine -- Feminine
Grandfather -- grandmother
Greatuncle -- greataunt
Manservant -- maidservant
Landlord -- landlady
milkman -- milkwoman
peacock -- peahen
salesman -- saleswoman
washerman -- washerwoman
30. Notice the change of form in the second word of each pair:
Tree (Box, Fox, Man)
Trees (Boxes, Oxen, Men)
The first word of each pair denotes one thing, the second word of each pair denotes more
than one.
A Noun that denotes one person or thing, is said to be in the Singular Number; as,
Boy, girl, cow, bird, tree, book, pen.
A Noun that denotes more than one person or thing, is said to be in the Plural Number;
Boys, girls, cows, birds, trees, books, pens.
Thus there are two Numbers in English-the Singular and the Plural.
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How Plurals are Formed
31. (i) The Plural of nouns is generally formed by adding -s to the singular ; as,
boy, boys;
pen, pens;
girl, girls;
desk, desks;
book, books;
cow, cows.
(ii) But Nouns ending in -s, -sh, -ch (soft), or -x form the plural by adding -es to the
singular; as,
class, classes;
kiss, kisses;
dish, dishes;
brush, brushes;
match, matches;
watch, watches;
branch, branches;
tax, taxes;
box, boxes.
(iii) Most Nouns ending in -o also form the plural by adding -es to the singular ; as,
buffalo, buffaloes;
mango, mangoes;
hero, heroes;
potato, potatoes;
cargo, cargoes,
echo, echoes;
negro, negroes;
volcano, valcanoes.
(iv) A few nouns ending in -o merely add -s; as,
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dynamo, dynamos;
solo, solos;
ratio, ratios;
canto, cantos;
memento, mementos;
quarto, quartos;
piano, pianos;
photo, photos;
stereo, siereos.
kilo, kilos;
logo, logos;
commando, commandos
(v) Nouns ending in -y, preceded by a consonant, form their plural by changing -y into -i
and adding -es; as,
baby, babies;
lady, ladies;
city, cities;
army, armies;
story, stories;
pony, ponies.
(vi) The following nouns ending in -f or -fe form their plural by changing -for -fe into v
and adding -es ; as,
thief, thieves;
wife, wives;
wolf, wolves;
life, lives;
calf, calves;
leaf, leaves;
loaf, loaves;
knife, knives;
shelf, shelves,
half, halves;
elf, elves;
self, selves;
sheaf, sheaves.
The nouns dwarf, hoof, scarf and wharf take either -s or -ves in the plural.
dwarfs or dwarves;
hoofs or hooves;
scarfs or scarves;
wharfs or wharves
Other words ending in -for -fe add -s; as,
chief, chiefs;
safe, safes;
proof, proofs
gulf, gulfs;
cliff, cliffs;
handkerchief, handkerchiefs
32. A few nouns form their plural by changing the inside vowel of the singlar; as,
man, men;
woman, women;
foot, feet;
tooth, teeth;
goose, geese;
mouse, mice;
louse, lice.
33. There are a few nouns that form their plural by adding -en to the singular; as, ox,
oxen; child, children.
The plural offish is fish or fishes. The form fishes is less usual.
34. Some nouns have the singular and the plural alike; as,
Swine, sheep, deer; cod, trout, salmon; aircraft, spacecraft, series, species.
Pair, dozen, score, gross, hundred, thousand (when used after numerals),
I bought three dozen oranges.
Some people reach the age of three score and ten.
The sari cost me five thousand rupees.
Stone, hundredweight.
He weighs above nine stone.
Twenty hundredweight make one ton.
35. Some nouns are used only in the plural.
(1) Names of instruments which have two parts forming a kind of pair; as,
Bellows, scissors, tongs, pincers, spectacles.
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(2) Names of certain articles of dress; as,
Trousers, drawers, breeches, jeans, tights, shorts, pyjamas.
(3) Certain other nouns; as,
Annals, thanks, proceeds (of a sale), tidings, environs, nuptials, obsequies, assets, chatels.
36. Some nouns originally singular are now generally used in the plural; as,
Alms, riches, eaves.
Riches do many things.
37. The following nouns look plural but are in fact singular:
(1) Names of subjects
mathematics, physics, electronics, etc.
(2) The word news
(3) Names of some common diseases
measles, mumps, rickets
(4) Names of some games
billiards, draughts
Mathematics is his favourite study.
No news is good news.
India won by an innings and three runs.
Measles is infectious.
Billiards is my favourite game.
‘Means’ is used either as singular or plural. But when it has the meaning of ‘wealth’ it is
always plural; as,
He succeeded by this means (or, by these means) in passing the examination.
His means are small, but he has incurred no debt.
38. Certain Collective Nouns, though singular in form, are always used as plurals; as,
Poultry, cattle, vermin, people, gentry.
These poultry are mine.
Whose are these cattle?
Vermin destroy our property and carry disease.
Who are those people (= persons)?
There are few gentry in this town.
Note:- As a Common Noun 'people' means a 'nation' and is used in both singular and
plural; as,
The Japanese are a hard-working people.
There are many different peoples in Europe.
39. A Compound Noun generally forms its plural by adding -s to the principal word; as,
Singular -- Plural
Commander-in-chief -- commanders-in-chief
Coat-of-mail -- coats-of-mail
Son-in-Law -- sons-in-law
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Daughter-in-law -- daughters-in-law
Step-son -- step-sons
Step-daughter -- step-daughters
Maid-servant -- maid-servants (but man-servant, plural men-servants)
Passer-by -- passers-by
Looker-on -- lookers-on
Man-of-war -- men-of-war.
We say spoonfuls and handfuls, because spoonful and handful are regarded as one word.
Note that the Proper Nouns Brahman and Mussulman are not compounds of man;
therefore their plurals are Brahmans and Mussulmans.
40. Many nouns taken from foreign languages keep their original plural form; as,
Form Latin-
Erratum, errata; -- formula, formulae (or formulas):
index, indices; -- memorandum, memoranda;
radius, radii; -- terminus, termini (or terminuses).
From Greek-
Axis, axes; -- parenthesis, parentheses;
crisis, crises; -- hypothesis, hypotheses;
basis, bases; -- phenomenon, phenomena;
analysis, analyses; -- criterion, criteria.
From Italian-
Bandit, banditti, (or bandits)
From French-
Madame (madam), mesdames; monsieur, messieurs.
From Hebrew-
Cherub, cherubim (or cherubs); seraph, seraphim (or seraphs).
41. Some nouns have two forms for the plural, each with a some what different meaning.
Singular -- Plural
Brother -- brothers, sons of the same parent.
brethren, members of a society or a community.
Cloth -- cloths, kinds or pieces of cloth, clothes, garments.
Die -- dies, stamps for coining, dice, small cubes used in games.
Index -- indexes, tables of contents to books, indices, signs used in algebra.
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Penny pennies, number of coins, pence, amount in value.
42. Some nouns have two meanings in the singular but only one in the plural.
Singular -- Plural
Light: (1) radiance, (2) a lamp -- Lights: lamps.
People: (1) nation, (2) men and women -- Peoples: nations.
Powder: (1)dust, (2) a dose of medicine in fine grains like dust -- Powders: doses of
Practice: (1) habit (2) exercise of a profession -- Practices: habits.
43. Some nouns have one meaning in the singular, two in the plural.
Singular -- Plural
Colour: hue. -- Colours: (1) hues, (2) the flag of a regiment.
Custom: habit. -- Customs: (1) habits, (2) duties levied on imports.
Effect: result -- Effects: (1) results, (2) property.
Manner: method. -- Manners: (1) methods, (2) correct behaviour.
Moral: a moral lesson. -- Morals: (1) moral lessons, (2) conduct
Number: a quantity. -- Numbers: (1) quantities, (2) verses.
Pain: suffering. -- Pains : (1) sufferings, (2) care, exertion.
Premise: proposition -- Premises: (1) propositions; (2) buildings.
Quarter: fourth part. -- Quarters: (1) fourth parts; (2) lodgings.
Spectacle: a sight. -- Spectacles: (1) sights; (2) eye-glasses.
Letter: (1) letter of the alphabet; (2) epistle -- Letters: (1) letters of the alphabet; (2)
epistle; (3) literature.
Ground: (1) earth; (2) reason -- Grounds: (1) enclosed land attached to house. (2) reason;
(2) reasons; (3) dregs.
44. Some nouns have different meanings in the singular and the plural.
Singular -- Plural
Advice: counsel. -- Advices: information.
Air: atmosphere. -- Airs: affected manners.
Good: benefit, well-being. -- Goods: merchandise.
Compass: extent, range. -- Compasses: an instrument for drawing circles.
Respect: regard. -- Respects: compliments.
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Physic: medicine. -- Physics: natural science.
Iron: a kind of metal. -- Irons: fetters.
Force: strength. -- Forces: troops.
45. Letters, figures and other symbols are made plural by adding an apostrophe and s; as,
There are more e's than a's in this page.
Dot your i's and cross your t's.
Add two 5's and four 2's.
46. It is usual to say-
The Miss Smiths. (Singular, Miss Smith.)
47. Abstract Nouns have no plural. They are uncountable.
Hope, charity, love, kindness.
When such words do appear in the plural, they are used as countables; as
Provocations = instances or cases of provocation.
Kindnesses = acts of kindness.
Names of substances are also uncountables and are not therefore used in the plural.
Copper, iron, tin, wood.
When such words are used in the plural, they become countables with changed meanings;
Coppers = copper coins; irons = fetters; tins = cans made of tin; woods = forests.
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48. Examine these sentences:-
1. John threw a stone.
2. The horse kicked the boy.
In sentence 1, the noun John is the Subject. It is the answer to the question, “Who threw a
The group of words threw a stone is the Predicate.
The Predicate contains the verb threw.
What did John throw?-A stone. Stone is the object which John threw. The noun stone is
therefore called the Object.
In sentence 2, the noun horse is the Subject. It is the answer to the question, 'Who kicked
the boy?”
The noun boy is the Object. It is the answer to the question, 'Whom did the horse kick?”
49. When a noun (or pronoun) is used as the Subject of a verb, it is said to be in the
Nominative Case.
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When a noun (or pronoun) is used as the Object of a verb, it is said to be in the Objective
(or Accusative) Case.
Note-To find the Nominative, put Who? or What? before the verb.
To find the Accusative put, Whom? or What? before the verb and its subject.
50. A noun which comes after a preposition is also said to be in the Accusative Case; as,
The book is in the desk.
The noun desk is in the Accusative Case, governed by the preposition in.
51. Read the following sentences:-
Hari broke the window. (Object)
The window was broken. (Subject)
It will be seen that Nouns in English have the same form for the Nominative and the
The Nominative generally comes before the verb, and the Accusative after the verb.
Hence they are distinguished by the order of words, or by the sense.
52. Compare:-
1. Rama gave a ball.
2. Rama gave Hari a ball.
In each of these sentences the noun ball is the Object of gave.
In the second sentence we are told that Hari was the person to whom Rama gave a ball.
The noun Hari is called the Indirect Object of the verb gave.
The noun ball, the ordinary Object, is called the Direct Object.
It will be noticed that the position of the Indirect Object is immediately after the verb and
before the Direct Object.
Rama gave Hari a ball = Rama gave a ball to Hari.
Will you do me a favour? = Will you do a favour to me?
I bought Rama a ball = I bought a ball for Rama.
Fetch the boy a book = Fetch a book for the boy.
She made Ruth a new dress = She made a new dress for Ruth.
Get me a taxi = Get a taxi for me.
We see that the Indirect Object of a verb denotes the person to whom something is given,
or for whom something is done.
53. Examine the sentence:-
This is Ram's umbrella.
Ram's umbrella = the umbrella belonging to Rama.
The form of the noun Rama is changed to Rama's to show ownership of possession. The
Noun Rama’s is therefore said to be in the possessive (or Genitive) Case
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The Possessive answers the question, ‘Whose?’
Whose umbrella? - Rama's.
54. The Possessive Case does not always denote possession. It is used to denote
authorship, origin, kind, etc. as,
Shakespeare's plays = the plays written by Shakespeare.
A mother's love = the love felt by a mother.
The President's speech = the speech delivered by the President.
Mr. Aggarwal's house = the house where Mr. Aggarwal lives.
Ashok's school = the school where Ashok goes.
A children's playground = a playground for children.
A week's holiday = a holiday which lasts a week.
Formation of the Possessive Case
55. (1) When the noun is Singular, the Possessive Case is formed by adding ‘s to the
noun; as,
The boy's book; the king's crown.
Note:- The letter s is omitted in a few words where too many hissing sounds would come
together; as,
For conscience' sake; for goodness' sake;
For justice' sake; for Jesus' sake; Moses' laws.
(2) When the noun is Plural, and ends in s, the Possessive Case is formed by adding only
an apostrophe; as,
Boys' school; girls' school; horses' tails.
(3) When the noun is Plural but does not end in s, the Possessive sign is formed by
adding 's as,
Men's club; children's books.
56. When a noun or a title consists of several words, the Posses sive sign is attached only
to the last word; as,
The King of Bhutan's visit.
The Prime Minister of Mauritius's speech.
57. When two nouns are in apposition, the possessive sign is put to the latter only; as,
That is Tagore the poet's house.
58. Also when two nouns are closely connected, the possessive is put to the latter; as,
Karim and Salim's bakery.
William and Mary's reign.
59. Each of two or more connected nouns implying separate possession must take the
possessive sign; as,
Raja Rao's and R.K. Narayan's novels.
Goldsmith's and Cowper's poems.
Use of the Possessive Case
60. The Possessive Case is now used chiefly with the names of living thing; as,
The Governor’s bodyguard; the lion’s mane.
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So we must say:
The leg of the table [not, the table's leg].
The cover of the book [not, the book's cover].
The roof of the house [not, the house's roof).
61. But the Possessive is used with the names of personified (When n inanimate thing has
ascribed to it the attributes of a person it is said to be personified. (See § 28)) objects; as,
India's heroes; Nature's laws; Fortune's favourite; at duty's call; at death's door.
62. The Possessive is also used with nouns denoting time, space or weight; as,
A day's march; a week's holiday; in a year's time; a stone's throw; a foot's length; a
pound's weight.
63. The following phrases are also in common use:-
At his fingers' ends; for mercy's sake; to his heart's content; at his wit's end; a boat's crew.
64. The possessive of a proper name or of a noun denoting a trade, profession, or
relationship may be used to denote a building or place of business (church, house, school,
college, shop, hospital, the atre; etc.) as,
She has gone to the baker's ( = baker's shop).
Tonight I am dining at my uncle's ( = uncle's house).
Can you tell me the way to St .Paul's ( ='St. Paul's church)?
I attend the Town High School but my cousin attends St. Xavier's.
He was educated ai St. Joseph's.
65. When you are in doubt whether to use a noun in the possessive case or with the
preposition of, remember that, as a general rule, the possessive case is used to denote
possession or ownership. Thus it is better to say 'the defeat of the enemy' than 'the
enemy's defeat', even though no doubt as to the meaning would arise.
Sometimes, however, a noun in the possessive case has a different meaning from a noun
used with the preposition of; as,
‘The Prime Minister's reception in Delhi’ means a reception held by the
Prime Minister in Delhi.
‘The reception of the Prime Minister in Delhi’ means the manner in which the people
welcomed him when he entered Delhi.
The phrase 'the love of a father' may mean either 'a father's love of his
child' or 'a child's love of his father'.
Nouns in Apposition
66. Read the following sentence:-
Rama, our captain, made fifty runs.
We see that Rama and our captain are one and the same person. The noun captain follows
the noun Rama simply to explain which Rama is referred to.
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When one noun follows another to describe it, the noun which follows is said to be in
apposition to the noun which comes before it.
[Apposition means placing near.]
A noun in apposition is in the same case as the noun which it explains.
In the above sentence the noun captain is in apposition to the noun Rama, and is in the
Nominative Case (because Rama is in the Nominative Case.)
Further examples:-
1. Kabir, the great reformer, was a weaver.
2. Yesterday I met your uncle, the doctor.
3. Have you seen Ganguli, the artist's drawings?
In sentence 1, the noun in apposition is in the Nominative Case.
In sentence 2, the noun in apposition is in the Accusative Case. [Why?]
In sentence 3, the noun in apposition is in the Genitive Case. [Why?]


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